Yog Dut Thripathi, having a degree of masters in history, is a tour guide approved by ministry of tourism, government if India. He has an intense knowledge of history of India, its culture, tradition and the past. Working in the travel industry sincethe last seven years as a tour guide, he is an experienced and highly motivated individual. He has leaded tours, taking his guests throughout the country in small and large groups.
Jaunt & Joys India Pvt. Ltd.
B-17, First Floor, Acharya Niketan, Mayur Vihar Phase – 1, Delhi -110091, India
Tel: +91-11-43083763 Mob: +91-9810767167, 8368191429 Mail: jpsangar@jauntandjoysindia.com, info@jauntandjoysindia.com, jpsangar7@gmail.com CIN: U63030DL2016PTC308725